Managing channels and packages

Anaconda Enterprise makes it easy for you to manage the various channels and packages used by your organization—whether you prefer using the UI or the CLI.

  1. Log in to the console using the Administrator credentials required to access the Administrative Console.

  2. Select Channels in the left menu to view the list of existing channels, each channel’s owner and when the channel was last updated.



Private channels are displayed with a lock icon4 next to their name in the list, to indicate their secure status.

  1. Click on a channel name to view details about the packages in the channel, including the supported platforms, versions and when each package in the channel was last modified. You can also see the number of times each package has been downloaded.


  1. To add a package to an existing channel, click Upload and browse for the package.


There is a 1GB file size limit for package files you upload.

  1. Click on a package name to view the list of files that comprise the package, and the command used to install the package.


  1. To remove a package from a channel, select Delete from the command menu icon2 for the package in the list.


The anaconda-enterprise channel is used for internal purposes only, and should not be modified.

Sharing channels

To share a public channel, click Share, copy the URL location of the channel, and distribute it to the people with whom you want to share the channel.

To give other platform users read-write access to the channel, click Share and add them as a collaborator. You can share a channel with individual users or groups of users—the easiest way to control access to a channel. See Managing roles and groups for more information.



The default is to grant all collaborators read-write access, so if you want to prevent them from adding and removing packages from the channel, be sure they have read-only access. You’ll need to use the CLI to grant read-only access to specific users or groups (see below).

To create a new channel and add packages to the channel for others to access:

  1. Click Create in the top right corner, enter a meaningful name for the channel and click Create.


Channels are Public—accessible by non-authenticated users–by default. To make the channel Private, and therefore available to authenticated users only, disable the toggle to switch the channel setting from Public to Private.

  1. Click Upload to select the packages you want to add to the channel.

Using the CLI:

Get a list of all the channels on the platform with the channels list command:

anaconda-enterprise-cli channels list

Share a channel with a specific user using the share command:

anaconda-enterprise-cli channels share --user username --level r <channelname>

You can also share a channel with an existing group:

anaconda-enterprise-cli channels share --group GROUPNAME --level r <channelname>

Replacing GROUPNAME with the actual name of the group.


Adding --level r grants this group read-only access to the channel.

You can “unshare” a channel using the following command:

anaconda-enterprise-cli channels share --user <username> --remove <channelname>


Do not run git rm FILENAME in the CLI to remove a file. Use the UI instead.

Run anaconda-enterprise-cli channels --help to see more information about what you can do with channels.

For help with a specific command, enter that command followed by --help:

anaconda-enterprise-cli channels share --help