Post-install configuration

There are a few platform settings that need to be updated after installing Anaconda Enterprise, before you can begin using it. Follow the instructions below, based on whether you used a web browser or a command-line to install the platform. Then you’ll be ready to test your installation and perform additional configuration, specific to your organization.

Browser-based instructions

If you installed Anaconda Enterprise using a web browser, a UI will guide you through some post-install configuration steps.


It may take a moment for the Post-Install Setup screen to appear. If you see an error immediately after clicking Continue at the end of the installation process, please refresh your browser after a few seconds to display the UI.


  1. Enter the cluster Admin account credentials that you will use to log in to the Anaconda Enterprise Operations Center initially, and click Next. (You can change these, or authorize additional Operations Center Admins, as needed.)


The installer will generate self-signed SSL certificates that you can use temporarily to get started. See Updating TLS/SSL certificates for information on how to change them later, if desired.

  1. Enter the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) where the cluster will be accessed and click Finish Setup.

  2. Log in to the Anaconda Enterprise Operations Center using the cluster Admin credentials you provided in Step 1, and follow the instructions below to update the platform settings with the FQDN of the host server.

Command-line instructions

If you performed an unattended installation using the command-line instructions, follow the instructions below to generate self-signed SSL certificates that you can use temporarily to get started. See Updating TLS/SSL certificates for information on how to change them later, if desired.


You need to have OpenJDK installed to be able to use the following method to generate self-signed SSL certificates.

  1. On the master node for your Anaconda Enterprise installation, run the following commands to save your secrets file to a location where Anaconda Enterprise can access it, replacing YOUR_FQDN with the fully-qualified domain name of the cluster on which you installed Anaconda Enterprise.:

    cd path/to/Anaconda/Enterprise/unpacked/installer
    cd DIY-SSL-CA
    bash YOUR_FQDN
    cp out/DESIRED_FQDN/secret.yml /var/lib/gravity/planet/share/secret.yml

Now /var/lib/gravity/planet/share/secret.yml is accessible as /ext/share/secret.yml within the Anaconda Enterprise environment, which can be accessed with the following command:

sudo gravity enter
  1. Replace the default secrets cert with the contents of your secret.yml file by running the following commands from within the Anaconda Enterprise environment:

    $ kubectl delete secrets anaconda-enterprise-certs
    secret "anaconda-enterprise-certs" deleted
    $ kubectl create -f /ext/share/secret.yml
    secret "anaconda-enterprise-certs" created
  2. Restart all pods to update Anaconda Enterprise to use your certificate:

    kubectl get pods | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs kubectl delete pods


If the post-install process doesn’t complete after using the CLI install, you can complete the process by running the following command within gravity.

To complete the post-install process:

gravity --insecure site complete

Now you are ready to follow the instructions below to test your installation.

Testing your installation

After you’ve finished installing Anaconda Enterprise, and completed the post-install configuration steps, you can do the following to verify that your installation succeeded:

  1. Access the Anaconda Enterprise console by entering the URL of your AE server in a web browser:, replacing with the fully-qualified domain name of the host server.

  2. Login with the default username and password anaconda-enterprise / anaconda-enterprise. After testing your installation, update the credentials for this default login. See Configuring user access for more information.

You can verify a successful installation by doing any or all of the following:


Some of the sample projects can only be deployed after mirroring the package repository. To test your installation without doing this first, you can deploy the “Hello Anaconda Enterprise” sample project.

Next steps:

Now that you’ve completed these essential steps, you can do any of the following optional steps: