Backing up and restoring AE

Before you begin any upgrade, you must back up your Anaconda Enterprise configuration and data files. You may also choose to back up AE regularly, based on your organization’s disaster recovery policies.

CAUTION: After the back up process has begun, it won’t be possible to back up data for any open sessions or deployments. We therefore recommend that you ask all users to save their work, stop any sessions and deployments, and log out of the platform during the upgrade window. If they don’t, they will lose any usaved work. They may also encounter a 404 error after the upgrade. The workaround for the error message is to stop and restart the session or deployment that generated the error, but there is no way to retrieve lost data.

If you are performing backing up Anaconda Enterprise as part of an upgrade, note that after installing AE 5.2.x, you’ll need to re-configure your SSL certificates, so ensure all certificate-related information—–including the private key—–is accessible at that point in the process. See upgrading between versions for AE5 for the complete upgrade process.

Backing up Anaconda Enterprise

The number of channels and packages being backed up will impact the amount of free space and time required to perform the backup, so ensure you have sufficient free space and time available to complete the process. To prevent potential disk pressure issues, you can create another volume and specify that location instead of the default /opt/anaconda. See Troubleshooting known issues for more information.

All of the following commands should be run on the master node.

  1. Copy the script from the location where you saved the installer tarball to /opt/anaconda using the following command:

    sudo cp /opt/anaconda
  2. Back up Anaconda Enterprise by running the following commands:

    cd /opt/anaconda

The following backup files are created and saved to /opt/anaconda:

  1. Move the backup files to a remote location to preserve them, as the /opt/anaconda directory will be deleted in future steps. After uninstalling AE, you’ll copy ae5-data-backup-${timestamp}.tar back to your local filesystem.

If your existing configuration includes Spark/Hadoop, perform these additional steps to migrate configuration information specific to your cluster:

  1. Run the following command to retrieve configuration info. from the 5.1.x server, and generate the anaconda-config-files-secret.yaml file:

    kubectl get secret anaconda-config-files -o yaml > <path-to-anaconda-config-files-secret.yaml>

NOTE: This file will be deleted in future steps, so move it to a remote location to preserve it, and ensure that you can access this file from the server where you’re installing the newer version of AE 5.2.x.

  1. Open the anaconda-config-files-secret.yaml file, locate the metadata section, and delete everything under it except for the following: name: anaconda-config-files.

For example, if it looks like this to begin with:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: 2018-07-31T19:30:54Z
  name: anaconda-config-files
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "981426"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/anaconda-config-files
  uid: 3de10e2b-94f8-11e8-94b8-1223fab00076
type: Opaque

It will look like this afterwards:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: anaconda-config-files
type: Opaque

Restoring Anaconda Enterprise

If you backed up your Anaconda Enterprise installation, you can restore configuration information from the backup files. The restore script restores data, and can be optionally used to restore state information.

NOTE: When upgrading from 5.1.x to 5.2.x, we recommend restoring only data from the backup, and using the state generated during installation of 5.2.0. See upgrading between versions for AE5 for the complete upgrade process.

Copy the script from the location where you saved the installer tarball to /opt/anaconda using the following command:

sudo cp /opt/anaconda

To restore only data, run:

cd /opt/anaconda/
bash <path-to-data-backup-file>

NOTE: Replace path-to-data-backup-file with the path to the data backup file generated when you ran the Anaconda Enterprise backup script.

To restore data and state, run:

cd /opt/anaconda/
bash <path-to-data-backup-file> <path-to-state-backup-file>

For help, run the bash -h command.

After recovery, manually stop and restart all active sessions and deployments and job runs with the UI.