Editing platform settings

You configure the Anaconda Enterprise platform settings using a configuration file or Config map. The configuration file, anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml, contains both global and per-service configuration settings for your Anaconda Enterprise installation.

You can modify the default configuration using the Operations Center UI, or a command shell. Any changes you make will impact how Anaconda Enterprise functions, so we strongly recommend that you save a copy of the original file and familiarize yourself with the configuration options before making any changes.

To modify the platform configuration using the UI:


Please note for a Bring Your Own Kubernetes install that the Ops Center has been deprecated. You will need to make changes via a control panel for managing your cluster, or through editing the anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml file directly

  1. Log in to Anaconda Enterprise, select the Menu icon icon in the top right corner and click the Administrative Console link displayed at the bottom of the slide out window.

  1. Click Manage Resources.

  2. Log in to the Operations Center using the Administrator credentials configured after installation.

  3. Select Configuration from the menu on the left.

  4. Use the Config map drop-down menu to select the anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml configuration file.


Unless you are configuring global environment variables, do not change the other entries in the Config maps and Namespace drop-downs. They impact the underlying Kubernetes system, so making changes to them can have unintended consequences or cause the platform to behave unpredictably.

You’ll notice that it contains GLOBAL CONFIGURATION specifications related to the following:

  • The Authentication Center client URL

  • The internal database

  • Optional NFS server volume mounts

  • HTTPS certificate settings

  • Resource profiles

  • The Kubernetes cluster

  • Any users, groups or roles with Admin authorization

  • The git commit file size limit (The default limit is 50MB, though this limit is configurable. We recommend keeping files under 100MB.)

It also contains PER-SERVICE CONFIGURATION settings, related to these services:

  • The authentication server used to secure access

  • The deployment server used to deploy apps

  • The workspace server used to run sessions

  • The storage server used to store and version projects

  • The local repository server used for channels and packages

  • The S3 endpoint and Git server used to store object and data

  • The local documentation server URL and platform UI configuration

  1. Edit the specification in the section that corresponds to the setting you want to update, and click Apply to save your changes.


If you navigate away from the Config map without saving your edits, you will be warned that you have unsaved changes. You can abandon your edits by clicking Disregard and continue, or return to editing by clicking Close.

To edit the platform configuration using a command line:

  1. Enter the following commands in an interactive shell on the master node:

    sudo gravity enter
    kubectl edit cm anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml
  2. Make your changes to the file, and save it.

  3. Restart all pods using the following command:

    kubectl get pods | grep ap- | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs kubectl delete pods