R templates¶
Anaconda Enterprise provides users with the R Essentials
bundle. The bundle contains around 80 of the most commonly-used packages for data science, including r-base version 3.4.2, caret, dplyr, ggplot2, glmnet, irkernel, rbokeh, shiny, tidyverse, and many more packages!
If you need packages not included in the R Essentials
bundle, you can add packages to your projects as described here. You’ll need to connect to a repository containing the packages you require. If you are unable to connect to a repository containing the packages you require, contact your Administrator and request that they mirror the packages to a channel you can access.
You can edit R notebooks with any of the editors provided by Anaconda Enterprise: Jupyter Notebooks, JupyterLab, or Apache Zeppelin. To edit notebooks using RStudio, see adding RStudio to Anaconda Enterprise (AE) 5.