Uninstalling AE#

Before using the following instructions to uninstall Anaconda Enterprise, be sure to follow the steps to backup your current installation so you’ll be able to restore your data from the backup after installing Anaconda Enterprise 5.2.

To uninstall Anaconda Enterprise on a healthy cluster worker nodes, run:

sudo gravity leave
sudo killall gravity
sudo killall planet

To uninstall Anaconda Enterprise on a healthy cluster master node, run:

sudo gravity system uninstall
sudo killall gravity
sudo killall planet
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/gravity /opt/anaconda

To uninstall a failed or faulty cluster node, run:

sudo gravity remove --force

To remove an offline node that cannot be reached from the cluster, run:

sudo gravity remove <node>

Where <node> specifies the node to be removed. This value can be the node’s assigned hostname, its IP address (the one that was used as an “advertise address” or “peer address” during install), or its Kubernetes name (which you can obtain by running kubectl get nodes).