Helm values template#

The following is the template values.yaml override file that Anaconda ships with the Helm chart for Anaconda Enterprise. Ideally, your installation configuration should involve modifications and additions to this file, and no editing of the chart itself should be necessary. See the install guide for more information.

# This values.yaml template is intended to be customized
# for each installation. Its values *augment and override*
# the default values found in Anaconda-Enterprise/values.yaml.

# The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the cluster
hostname: anaconda.example.com

# The name of the service account with the necessary
# permission to operate the cluster
serviceAccountName: anaconda-enterprise

# The UID under which to run the containers
uid: 1000

# Docker registry information
  # Server address. This default points to Docker Hub
  server: 'aedev/'
  # A pull secret name, or list of names

# TLS / SSL secret management
# - generate: generate self-signed certificates
# - load: use the certificates in Anaconda-Enterprise/certs
# - skip: do nothing; assume the secrets already exist
# Existing secrets are always preserved during upgrades.
generateCerts: generate

# Keycloak LDAPS Settings
# truststore: path to your truststore file containing custom CA cert
# truststore_password: password of the truststore
# truststore_seret: name of secret used for the truststore such as anaconda-enterprise-truststore
  truststore: ""
  truststore_password: ""
  truststore_secret: ""

  # If an existing ingress controller is being used, this
  # must match the ingress.className of that controller.
  className: nginx
  # - false: an existing ingress controller will be used
  # - true: install an ingress controller in this namespace
  install: false
  # - false: an existing IngressClass resource will be used
  # - true: create a new IngressClass in the global namespace
  # Ignored if ingress.install is false. Note that installing
  # the IngressClass requires cluster-level permissions.
  installClass: false
  # If your ingress controller requires custom labels to be
  # added to ingress entries, list them here as a dictionary
  # of key/value pairs.
  labels: {}
  # If your ingress requires custom annotations to be added
  # to ingress entries, they can be included here. These
  # will be added to any existing annotations in the chart.
  # For all ingress entries
  global: {}
  # For the master ingress only
  system: {}
  # For sessions and deployments only
  user: {}

# As discussed in the documentation, you may use the same
# persistent volume for both storage resources. If so, make
# sure to use the same same pvc: value in both locations.
  pvc: anaconda-storage
  pvc: anaconda-persistence

# OPENSHIFT ONLY: uncomment this value for OCP platforms.
# dnsServer: dns-default.openshift-dns.svc.cluster.local

# Please work with the Anaconda team for assistance
# to configure these settings if you need them.

  # For all pods
  global: []
  # For system pods, except the ingress
  system: []
  # For the ingress daemonset alone
  ingress: []
  # For user pods
  user: []

  # For all pods
  global: {}
  # For system pods, except the ingress
  system: {}
  # For the ingress daemonset alone
  ingress: {}
  # For user pods
  user: {}