Connecting to external identity providers#

Data Science & AI Workbench comes with out-of-the-box support for LDAP, Active Directory, SAML and Kerberos. As each enterprise configuration is different, coordinate with your LDAP/AD Administrator to obtain the provider-specific information you need to proceed. We’ve also provided an example of an LDAP setup to help guide you through the process.


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Adding a provider#

You’ll use the Administrative Console’s Authentication Center to add an identity provider:

  1. Open the My Account dropdown menu and select Admin Console.

  2. Select Manage Users to access the Keycloak user interface (UI).

  3. Log in using your Keycloak admin account credentials.

  4. Select User Federation from the left-hand navigation.

  5. Select ldap from the Add provider selector to display the initial Required Settings screen.

Multiple fields are required. The most important is the Vendor drop-down list, which will prefill default settings based on the LDAP provider you select. Make sure you select the correct one:

  • Active Directory

  • Red Hat Directory Server

  • Tivoli

  • Novell eDirectory

If none of these match your LDAP provider, select Other and coordinate with your LDAP Administrator to provide values for the required fields:

Username LDAP attribute

Name of the LDAP attribute that will be mapped to the username. Active Directory installations may use cn or sAMAccountName. Others often use uid.

RDN LDAP attribute

Name of the LDAP attribute that will be used as the RDN for a typical user DN lookup. This is often the same as the above “Username LDAP attribute”, but does not have to be. For example, Active Directory installations may use cn for this attribute while using sAMAccountName for the “Username LDAP attribute”.

UUID LDAP attribute

Name of an LDAP attribute that will be unique across all users in the tree. For example, Active Directory installations should use objectGUID. Other LDAP vendors typically define a UUID attribute, but if your implementation does not have one, any other unique attribute (such as uid or entryDN) may be used.

User Object Classes

Values of the LDAP objectClass attribute for users, separated by a comma. This is used in the search term for looking up existing LDAP users, and if read-write sync is enabled, new users will be added to LDAP with these objectClass values as well.

Connection URL

The URL used to connect to your LDAP server. Click Test connection to make sure your connection to the LDAP server is configured correctly.

Users DN

The full DN of the LDAP tree–the parent of LDAP users. For example, 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'.

Authentication Type

The LDAP authentication mechanism to use. The default is simple, which requires the Bind DN and password of the LDAP Admin.

Bind DN

The DN of the LDAP Admin, required to access the LDAP server.

Bind Credential

The password of the LDAP Admin, required to access the LDAP server. After supplying the DN and password, click Test authentication to confirm that your connection to the LDAP server can be authenticated.

Configuring sync settings#

By default, users will not be synced from the LDAP / Active Directory store until they log in. If you have a large number of users to import, it can be helpful to set up batch syncing and periodic updates.

Configuring mappers#

After you complete the initial setup, the auth system generates a set of “mappers” for your configuration. Each mapper takes a value from LDAP and maps it to a value in the internal auth database.

Go through each mapper and make sure it is set up appropriately.

  • Check that each mapper reads the correct “LDAP attribute” and maps it to the right “User Model Attribute”.

  • Check that the attribute’s “read-only” setting is correct.

  • Check whether the attribute should always be read from the LDAP store and not from the internal database.

For example, the username mapper sets the Workbench username from the LDAP attribute configured.

Configuring advanced mappers#

Instead of manually configuring each user, you can automatically import user data from LDAP using additional mappers. The following mappers are available:

User Attribute Mapper (user-attribute-ldap-mapper)

Maps LDAP attributes to attributes on the Workbench user. These are the default mappers set up in the initial configuration.

FullName Mapper (full-name-ldap-mapper)

Maps the full name of the user from LDAP into the internal database.

Role Mapper (role-ldap-mapper)

Sets role mappings from LDAP into realm role mappings. One role mapper can be used to map LDAP roles (usually groups from a particular branch of an LDAP tree) into realm roles with corresponding names.

Multiple role mappers can be configured for the same provider. It’s possible to map roles to a particular client (such as the anaconda-deploy service), but it’s usually best to map in realm-wide roles.

Hardcoded Role Mapper (hardcoded-ldap-role-mapper)

Grants a specified role to each user linked with LDAP.

Hardcoded Attribute Mapper (hardcoded-ldap-attribute-mapper)

Sets a specified attribute to each user linked with LDAP.

Group Mapper (group-ldap-mapper)

Sets group mappings from LDAP. Can map LDAP groups from a branch of an LDAP tree into groups in the Anaconda Platform realm. It will also propagate user-group membership from LDAP. We generally recommend using roles and not groups, so the role mapper may be more useful.


The group mapper provides a setting Drop non-existing groups during sync. If this setting is turned on, existing groups in Workbench Authentication Center will be erased.

MSAD User Account Mapper (msad-user-account-control-mapper)

Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD) specific mapper. Can tightly integrate the MSAD user account state into the platform account state, including whether the account is enabled, whether the password is expired, and so on. Uses the userAccountControl and pwdLastSet LDAP attributes.

For example if pwdLastSet is 0, the user is required to update their password and there will be an UPDATE_PASSWORD required action added to the user. If userAccountControl is 514 (disabled account), the platform user is also disabled.

Mapper configuration example#

To map LDAP group membership to Anaconda Platform roles, use a role mapper.

Add a mapper of the role-ldap-mapper type:

In consultation with your LDAP administrator and internal LDAP documentation, define which LDAP group tree will be mapped into roles in the Anaconda Platform realm. The roles are mapped directly by name, so an LDAP membership of ae-deployer will map to the role of the same name in Anaconda Platform.

Authorizing LDAP groups and roles#

To authorize LDAP group members or roles synced from LDAP to perform various functions, add them to the anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml configmap.

EXAMPLE: To give users in the LDAP group “Workbench”, and users with the LDAP-synced role “Publisher”, permission to deploy apps, the deploy section would look like this:

  port: 8081
  prefix: '/deploy'
    key: /etc/secrets/certs/privkey.pem
    certificate: /etc/secrets/certs/cert.pem
    database: anaconda_deploy
  users: '*'
    users: []
      - developers
      - Workbench
      - Publisher

After editing the configmap, restart all pods for your changes to take effect:

kubectl get pods | grep ap- | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs kubectl delete pods

Configuring LDAPS (Outbound SSL)#

To make correct requests to secure internal resources such as internal enterprise LDAP servers using corporate SSL certificates, you must configure a “trust store”. This is optional. If your internal servers instead use certificates issued by a public root CA, then the default trust store is sufficient.

To create a trust store, you must have the public certificates you wish to trust available.


These are certificates for your trusted server such as Secure LDAP, not for Workbench.

Option 1#

If the CA certificates are directly available to you, run the following command, replacing CAFILE.cert with your CA certificate file:

keytool -import -file CAFILE.cert -alias auth -keystore LDAPS.jks


If you want to add an intermediate certificate, run this command again with a unique alias, to include it in the LDAPS.jks file.

Option 2#

Alternatively, if you also have the server certificate and key, you can construct a full trust chain in the store.

  1. Convert the certificate and key files to PKCS12 format—if they are not already—by running the following command:

    openssl pkcs12 -export -chain -in CERT.pem -inkey CERT-KEY.pem -out PKCS-CHAIN.p12 -name auth -CAfile CA-CHAIN.pem

    In this example, replace CERT.pem with the server’s certificate, CERT-KEY.pem with the server’s key, PKCS-CHAIN.p12 with a temporary file name, and CA-CHAIN.pem with the trust chain file (up to the root certificate of your internal CA).

  2. Create a Java keystore to store the trusted certs:

    keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore LDAPS.jks -srckeystore PKCS-CHAIN.p12 -alias auth
  3. You will be prompted to set a password. Record the password.

Final steps#

For both options, you’ll need to follow the steps below to expose the certificates to the Workbench Auth service:

  1. Export the existing SSL certificates for your system by running the following commands:

    sudo gravity enter
    kubectl get secrets anaconda-enterprise-certs --export -o yaml > /opt/anaconda/secrets-exported.yml
  2. Exit the gravity environment, and back up the secrets file before you edit it:

    cp secrets-exported.yml secrets-exported-orig.yml
  3. Run the following command to encode the newly created truststore as base64:

    base64 -i --wrap=0 LDAPS.jks >> OUTPUT.jks
  4. Copy the output of this command, and paste it into the data section of the secrets-exported.yml file.

  5. Run the following commands to update Workbench with the secrets certificate:

    sudo gravity enter
    kubectl replace -f /opt/anaconda/secrets-exported.yml
  6. Verify that the LDAPS.jks entry has been added to the secret:

    kubectl describe secret anaconda-enterprise-certs
  7. Edit the platform configuration by setting the auth.https.truststore configuration key to /etc/secrets/certs/ldaps.jks, and auth.https.truststore-password to the matching password. For example, after editing, it should resemble the following:

  8. Run the following commands to restart the auth service:

    sudo gravity enter
    kubectl get pods | grep ap-auth | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs kubectl delete pods


    If you are using Workbench version 5.6.0, you must also complete the following steps to finish your LDAPS configuration. If you do not, your LDAPS configuration will not connect successfully.

  9. Create a backup of your current auth configuration:

    kubectl get deployment anaconda-enterprise-ap-auth -o yaml > auth.yaml
  10. Edit the auth pod deployment:

    kubectl edit deployment anaconda-enterprise-ap-auth
  11. Add the below to the JAVA_OPTS key/value:
  12. Save your changes