Configuring platform settings#

Data Science & AI Workbench platform settings are managed by the anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml configmap. This file contains both global and per-service settings for the platform.

Global configurations:
  • The Authentication Center client URL

  • The internal database

  • Optional NFS server volume mounts

  • HTTPS certificate settings

  • Resource profiles

  • The Kubernetes cluster

  • Any users, groups, or roles with Admin authorization

  • The git commit file size limit (Anaconda recommends keeping files under 50MB)

Per-Service configurations:
  • The authentication server used to secure access

  • The deployment server used to deploy apps

  • The workspace server used to run sessions

  • The storage server used to store and version projects

  • The local repository server used for channels and packages

  • The S3 endpoint and Git server used to store object and data

  • The local documentation server URL and platform UI configuration

To make configuration changes to the platform:

  1. Create a backup of your current configmap file, then edit your configurations by running the following commands:

    Run the commands from anywhere you have kubectl access to the cluster:

    # Replace <NAMESPACE> with your Workbench cluster namespace
    kubectl get cm -n <NAMESPACE> anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml -o=jsonpath={.data."anaconda-platform\.yml"} > anaconda-platform.yml
    kubectl delete cm -n <NAMESPACE> anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml
    kubectl create cm -n <NAMESPACE> anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml --from-file anaconda-platform.yml

    Run the following commands in an interactive shell on the master node:

    # Replace <NAMESPACE> with your Workbench cluster namespace
    sudo gravity enter
    kubectl get cm -n <NAMESPACE> anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml -o=jsonpath={.data."anaconda-platform\.yml"} > anaconda-platform.yml
    kubectl delete cm -n <NAMESPACE> anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml
    kubectl create cm -n <NAMESPACE> anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml --from-file anaconda-platform.yml
  2. Make your changes to the file, then save it.

  3. Restart all pods using the following command:

    # Replace <NAMESPACE> with your Workbench cluster namespace
    kubectl delete -n <NAMESPACE> --wait=false $(kubectl get pods -o name|grep ap-)


If something goes wrong with your configuration updates, you can restore your previous configurations by re-running the following commands:

# Replace <NAMESPACE> with your Workbench cluster namespace
kubectl delete cm -n <NAMESPACE> anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml
kubectl create cm -n <NAMESPACE> anaconda-enterprise-anaconda-platform.yml --from-file anaconda-platform.yml