Workbench pre-flight check#
Follow the instructions below to install and run the pre-flight script. Run it on each node in the system on which you plan to install Data Science & AI Workbench, to verify that it meets the minimum requirements to install successfully.
To install the package from Git, run the following commands from a terminal on the node you’re checking:
git clone
cd ae-preflight
python install
To install the package in an existing conda environment, run the following command from a terminal on the node you’re checking:
conda install --channel ae5-admin ae_preflight
To run the profiler, run the following command:
Optionally append the command with any of these options, based on your preferences:
-i, --interface Interface name (e.g., eth0 or ens3) to check for open ports
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity of the script
--hostname Check hostname to ensure that DNS can be resolved for TLD and wildcard DNS
System-specific instructions are also provided below.
The output of running the script is captured in a results.txt
To view the results, locate the results.txt
file that was created in the directory that you ran the script from.
This file will contain warnings and notify you of any pre-flight checks that may have failed. It will also describe the reason why a test failed, and provide a solution for fixing the issue.
System-specific instructions#
CentOS 7.X
# Install requirements
yum install epel-release -y
yum install git python-psutil -y
# Git clone and install
git clone
cd ae-preflight
python install
# Run program
Ubuntu 16.04
# Update apt-caches and install requirements
apt-get update
apt-get install python3-psutil git python3-setuptools -y
# Git clone and install
git clone
cd ae-preflight
python install
# Run prechecks
Suse 12
# Install dependencies
zypper install -y git python-psutil
# Git clone and install
git clone
cd ae-preflight
python install
# Run prechecks
New conda environments
Installation requirements:
# Install from yum (CentOS and RHEL)
yum install bzip2 -y
# Install from apt (Ubuntu)
apt-get install bzip2 -y
# Install from zypper (Suse)
zypper install -y bzip2
To install and set up a conda environment:
# Get miniconda and install it
curl -O
bash # Accept the license and take the defaults
# Source bashrc to pick up conda paths
source ~/.bashrc
# Create profile, and preflight package
conda create --name python37 python=3.7 psutil --yes
conda activate python37
conda install --channel ae5-admin ae_preflight --yes
# Run prechecks